The Dream Works
Making Visions A Reality

Why Choose The Dream Works?
We care about you - without you, The Dream Works has no reason to be! The Dream Works receives no grants, donations or contributions. We must earn your confidence and trust to remain in business.
Locally owned & operated - all earnings remain in your community; not sent to the corporate headquarters in another city.
We provide all your services under one roof. The Dream Works can services many different waivers and programs.
Our Mission...
“The mission of The Dream Works is to promote equal opportunity and choice for all individuals regardless of physical or mental challenges or socioeconomic status. Our primary approach to fulfilling the Mission is to create educational, service and cooperative efforts within the community that foster responsible, choice-driven lifestyles.”
The first sentence expresses our commitment to improving the lives of others cross-age/cross-disability. It should be noted that while our services are directed to the aging and disability communities, a person does not require a disability to take advantage of our programs. The services are available to any person without regard to any condition, situation or financial status.

The second sentence articulates our goal of shifting the service delivery paradigm from the “medical-model” to the “person-centered” approach. The Dream Works does not “take care” of
people. Rather, we act as guides providing suggestions, support and resources so individuals may live a life of their choosing. The sentence also acknowledges our efforts to “build bridges” within the community whereby we may improve the world in which we live; coordinate various types of services and improve the quality of service delivery. It also demonstrates our belief that all individuals must be responsible to themselves, others and the community in which we live.

Service Delivery Model
The Dream Works is committed to introducing the “person-directed” philosophy of service delivery to an industry that traditionally provides a “medical-model” of service delivery.
“MEDICAL-MODEL” - The medical-model is one in which the person receiving services is viewed as a “patient.” Services were seen as “taking care of” the person. The person had little involvement with making decisions, determining how services would be delivered, or when the service would be available. This model takes control away from the person and may contribute to a feeling of helplessness or being dependent on others.
“PERSON-CENTERED” - The person-centered approach allows the person to be an active part of his/her life. As a “customer,” and not a “patient,” the person has choices relating to which type of service is preferred, what services will be performed and when and where the work will be completed. Making decisions about one’s services ensures that the person is in complete control of his or her life. The person is no longer being “taken care of,” but rather the person is in charge and “directing the workers to accomplish activities of daily living.”